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Indiegogo: College Tuition Fund Summary

My name is Jason.

I am the oldest of 3.

I'm raising money for college.

As a child I was told that I would go to college when I got older. My family supported me every time through thick and thin, which I deeply I appreciate. However, my family always had issues financially. Now I am in college with financial issues.

I have received financial aid from Pell-Grants, Cal-Grants, etc.. However, the federal grants along aren’t enough so, the federal loans would be enormous. I may most likely not be eligible for Federal Work-Study. The federal grant and Cal-Grant varies depending on the college, which is less due to the fact the Academy of Arts is a private Art college. I had updated my FAFSA recently, which resulted a reduction of deduction of federal aid. In addition, the tuition cost per unit increased to $38, which has slightly affected financial planning. I would be taking enormous amount of loan.

However, I am already attending college. I have applied for but have not earned any scholarships as of yet.

The college that I am attending is the Academy of Art University. This is my desired college because I felt that its program (major/courses) is something that I am very interested in. I felt that being a game programmer (or programming) is something that I am good at. I felt that the game programming and not computer science in other colleges is something that I want to do and would do well at. I want to take the risk of doing something that I have an interest in. I want to experience new things, meet new people, and feeling frustrated in college of the hardship and feel joy knowing that it would be worth the experience, the happiness, and the success in college.

This means so much to mean because, as a child my parents worked hard making a living to support the family. It was extremely hard since they were from they had little experiences, both were born in Vietnam with hard time with English. My father who was in college for 1 year quit which didn't work out for him, that eventually, I came in my parent's life. My parents then had my little sister, and later my baby brother. My mother left my father and her children because of family complications. Through with the help on my father side, we were able to support ourselves. However, as time progressed, my father started having a hard time finding a current job. My mother who recently came back into my siblings and my life. She worked extremely hard as a waitress. Her back ached from working sometimes 6 to 7 days a week, staring from 10 or 11 am or 12 the latest and to 2-4 pm then back to work 10 the latest. She gets home very late. She hardly had time to spend time with her children. Now she spends time with us with little income.

My father is in Hawaii taking care of himself. He was relocated, who found a job working with a friend of my grandmother. However, he won't be able to support my mother and her children.

Currently I am living with my mother who doesn't have a job at the moment and barely have any money by the time I go to college to pay for my tuition, let alone take care of herself and my sibling, if it wasn't for that my mother's side of the family who takes care of us.

However, she barely believes small charity, that she must always pay them back big or little. I love my mother very much that I can't bear to watch my mother pay for college, which is why I am telling you this and my purpose on GoFundMe. I have researched that with the goal of donations would be deducted due to taxes. Unfortunately, the college that I am attending stated that I don’t have enough money to pay for just 2 semesters. In addition, they require my mother to take the Parent Plus Loan, if she qualifies, which she would have little to no money and most likely be in debt. If she is denied of the Parent Plus Loan, then I would indeed take an additional loan instead of the Parent Plus Loan. Just 1 dollar per person would make a huge difference, whether it’s big or small, it's the thought that counts. I ask of you to please support me, big or little, that is all that makes the difference. The goal I am setting would pay for half or partial to my college expenses. I know, I am asking a lot, but this would mean so much to me. I may appear a lazy, greedy person, however, I have taken account most of each and every possible ways out there, of still be in debt immensely.

I would be very thankful knowing that you, kind and considering people who are willingly donating their money to those in need. This makes a difference to me greatly. Thank You for your kindness. I will never forget the things you have done for me.

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